Thursday 18 August 2011

Narrating Enterprise with Plymouth University - Harry Bennett (Amended 18/08/2011)

Harry statements have been swapped.
Instead of "...because you then begin to learn through that very practical experience, the kind of stuff that isn't in the original documents, the very practical stuff." we have: " it's a kind of win-win, history sort of helping the future (...) to enable it to rebuild it as professionally as possible." in the end.


  1. Oh yes, that was worth doing wasn't it. Think it works much better ending on that note. And the cut-backs to the studio, although quite surprising, are illuminating and refreshing. Again, if we're all happy with that, it's a wrap. It reminds me how the order is important to clarify. This does seem like the 'flagship' - pardon the pun - so perhaps we should start with this one? And end with Johns? Or Johns in the middle.. Be good to know what you guys think..

  2. Looking great guys, well done! (Eleanor)
