Friday 29 July 2011

End credits content

Conceived and Produced by:

The Bridge Creative Agency

Filmed and Edited by:
‘The Swiss Quartet’:
 Jon Wirthner, 
Joel Kuhn, 
Christoph Jehle

Directed by:
The Bridge Creative Agency & The Swiss Quartet

Design by:

Phillip Condrau

With special thanks to:

Colin Searls

Eleanor Butland
Prof. David Coslett
Plymouth University
Millbrook Dockyard

Robin Manford, Tatjaana Morton and all at the Media Hub

Peninsula Arts Gallery

David Strang

And all of the contributors:

John Matthias
Harry Bennett
Robert Brown
Roy Tam
David Chandler
Alexis Kirke
Eduardo Miranda

then appears:

This project has been supported by Knowledge Escalator South West Enterprise Champions funding [this sentence 'goes with' the two logos below]

EU logo

RD logo

NEW Plymouth University logo

TBCA logo

All the materials that are included in these films are subject to copyright.
Permission needs to be sought from The Bridge Creative Agency for use of the contents.
© Plymouth University 2011

Monday 4 July 2011

Graphic Elements – INTRO – CREDITS

Use of graphics for packaging

Just an idea for the the DVD and the case (thinking card slip case maybe, then in poly sleeve with closing lip so DVD can't fall out. Chris - can you muse over the options that your suggested company can provide?) The DVD looks better without the lettering but I'm supposing it would make sense to stipulate the contents. Colin/Eleanor may feed back on this point - any other directions of things that need to be on there? General comments please. Looks maybe a little too much like an music album cover but hey, they're academic pop stars after all..